Sunday, January 12, 2014

Japan week #23

MINA! So, have I NO time to write today. I have 4 minutes to write this email. 3. SO! This week was a blast. We had a lot of fun, we did some splits, and we had lots of success. Today is our new years party at the ward, and then we're going to go to the onsen and yakiniku as a district! Very excited!! Elder Kozuma and I have been getting along very well, and we love this area. I really have grown to love Otofuke and Obihiro a ton. I didn't want to leave Muroran and Elder Lee, but this area has been amazing, and I'm glad I'm here. Can you believe that this transfer is over next week? This is the LAST week. O.O Time goes by WAY too fast... In a week, I'll be a quarter done with the mission. Six months in Japan... I can't believe it. I don't want to think about it. I don't want this to end!! I feel like I just barely started! ;) I'm excited for our new mission president, it's going to be way different with a Japanese president. This mission hasn't had one for awhile. It's going to be great I think. So, I'm just about out of time, so, I'll have to end here. I'm writing letters tonight, so I'll talk about my week in those. Thanks for everything you do!

  P.S. So, with some of my birthday money I bought a sweet kanji book to help with my learning kanji, I'm very excited to start digging into it. AND, I bought a ukulele. I was dead serious when I said I was learning, and that I can play it. It's stupid fun! I'll give ya more details about it later! But, could you guys send me like a list of ukulele chords, and like, a bunch of songs or something that I can learn to play on it? That'd be legit. :) ALSO! I sent off my sd card today, could I get you to send my other one to me? Emailing pictures and using the web page to drop box is so incredibly annoying. We can get on a rotation sending sd cards and what not, that'd be good me thinks! LOVE YOU ALL! 

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